5 Simple Winter Skin Care Tips to Fight Dry and Itchy Skin

Winter season is the time to dance in the snow and feel alive after a sweltering summer. On the other hand, it is also the time where your skin suffers the most. If you don’t want your skin to get damaged then use the following skin care tips to keep your skin elegant and healthy in the winter.

1.Using summer moisturizer all around your face will help you for some time then again your skin will get dry once you go outside. Most of the summer and spring lotion,cream products are water-based and do not provide your skin with the level of moisture needed on those dry winter days. So it is used to stick with the oily moisturizers during winter.

2.Showering or bathing with hot water gives you a lovely feeling on a cold winter morning, But long hot showers can draw moisture from your skin by breaking down the barriers of your skin cells. The hot waters can even make your skin dry out and sucking up all the moisture it needs. So cut short your hot showers during winters to protect your skin.

3.Cold winter air are well known for being dry and harsh for the skin. So to avoid the dryness, you can use a humidifier or heating system to keep you warm and dry out the air moisture from the bodies.

4.Hands are the parts of your body that needs to be taken care during the winter because it is the body part that is most exposed during the cool winter. The skin can get dry and cracking pretty fast. Use of gloves and other things can cause irritation and dry your skin. You can use lotions, skin care creams, Lysol soap, Lysol lotions, antibacterial products to protect your hands and avoid dryness, germs.

5.Use oil or foot lotions to keep your feet away from dryness during the winter. You can also use glycerin, petroleum jelly, oil-based moisturizers to cover your feet.

These are some of the basic things that can be done to keep your skin in good condition during the winter season.


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